Microwave Timers
Ever done this: you set your microwave timer for three minutes and patiently stand by as it ticks down. Then, as it gets to, let's say, six seconds, you say to yourself: ah, that's enough and hit cancel.
I certainly have. Which, leads to the question: what is it that compels us to stop but a few, inconsequential seconds shy?
The answers lies in the meaning of life.
We all know that an end is eventually in sight. So we look to slow it down, every chance we can.
Or, in the fast-paced world in which we live, impatience runs rampant. If the timer gets to "End" it means patience has prevailed. In the words of Scoopy Doo, rut roh.
Or, it's just a another attempt to gain back something that feels like we're continuously losing: control. Even if it's just three or four seconds at a time.
Maybe it's a bit of all of those. So next time you reach to set that timer on your microwave, perhaps try this instead: One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Three Mississippi. Four Mississippi ...